How to make French Crepes ?
How to make Crepes batter ?
What is the Creppes recipe?
Where to buy Crepes equipment?
What is the best Crepes machine?
Welcome to the # 1 website for Crepes equipment and information,
A sub division of
a leading company in funfood worldwide.
Who are we and what do we do?
Our company is located in The Netherlands,
and we sell products for Pancakes, Crepes, Waffles Stroopwafels and Poffertjes worldwide,
to more than 90 coutries.or products are:
Equipment, Premium baking mixes (only add water)
training and consultancy.How to contact us ?
Our # 1 Crepes innovation
is the Pancake revolution machine.
With this machine you can make your Crepe or pancake in only 1 minute.
No stress, no specials skills required, just 50 to 60 perfect Crepes baked in one hour.

Our Premium Crepes machines have:
Heavy duty steel baking plates
Easy to clean
Digital timer with a clear sound signal
We have a range of Crepe machines that can do the job perfectly.
For our machines we have developed a premium Crepes / Pancake bakingmix
Best in taste
Long shelflife
Only add water
Cost efficient.
30 cm in diameter
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